A LITHIC CAST of an authentic Windust point, that was found in Crump Lake, OR. The original was made in obsidian volcanic glass, and measures 3 and 3/16th inches long, and 1 and 1/16ths wide. The Windust Archaeological Phase in the northern Great Basin and the Columbia River Plateau dates to around 7,500 to 10,500 years ago. Many of the excavated layers within this complex are covered in layers of volcanic pumice from Moutn Mazama around 6,000 years ago. Obsidian is a common raw material for Windusts This is a classic and well flaked example of the type, which is at the transition of the Late Paleo/Early Archaic. It has biconvex flaking from both percussion and pressure, and abraded stem edges. This type usually features large pressure flakes up the base, in a similar direction and manner of the true flutes of the earlier Paleoindian period. (ex, Don Badorek collection/ COA Stermer Typology 1/29/12, Copyright Occpaleo 2022)
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