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This Old World African Hand Axe was collected in Ethiopia. It was generously loaned to Occpaleo from the Richard Graul collection for molding and casting, so that collectors and teaching institutions could benefit from a wonderful example of one of the earliest stone tools in prehistory. The hand axe is the longest running and oldest stone tool type known in the world, and the examples from Ethiopia could be the earliest. Dates for this tool type are estimated to be over one million years old. This excellent example was bifacially flaked with good symmetry and contour geometry. This quality makes this example a proper teaching tool for students of lithic analysis and flintknappers as well. It was made in a dark basalt, and measures 5 and 1/4th inches. Modern experimental studies of hand axes uses show that this tool was effective at cutting wood poles, such as the size that would be used in shelter building. It also served as a core, from which razor sharp flakes could be struck and used to cut hide and fiber. It would have also be functional for butchering hides and digging chores.   ( Cast copyright Occpaleo 2020)

Paleolithic Hand Axe Cast

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