This NEW lithic CAST was done as part of a teaching collection representing the Great Basin Western Stemmed Tradition archaeological finds. First 2 pics above are the cast, and the collection tray shows original artifact in top row. The unique ecology of the Great Basin Desert encompasses an area of southern Idaho, northern Nevada and Utah, between the boundaries of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rocky Mountain ranges. Researchers Bruce Kaiser and Richard Shipley provided a collection of projectile points and knives in order to creat this collection. This artifact (RSF234-17072) from the Shipley collection was first from the Denny Jones Collection, was found in 1970 in Jerome County, souther Idaho. It was made in a greyish green Hornsfel, and measures 110mm (4 and 3/8th inches), and 24mm at widest. It shows to have survived use and resharpening at tip, with basal abrasion over 1/3rd up the base. (Cast copyright Occpaleo 2024)
Research done by the Far Western Anthropological Research Group/Daron Duke has pushed the time of the Western Stemmed Tradition back further into the Paleoindian period, with dating as far back as 12,000 years ago. One of the points in the study from Utah's Great Salt Lake region tested showed elephant/probiscidean blood residue, showing use for large thrusting and throwing spears. This artifact is one of the largest known, and is a complete and undamaged example of the regional type. (cast copyright Occpaleo 2020)
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