A functional replica of an Apache bow in the collections of the Smithsonian Museum collections. This is a new bow made in 2024. Following the original at 50 inches long and averaging around 1 and 1/4th inches wide throughout most of the length. The original was examined by Michael Frank (the bowyer here) in 1998, when it was brought into the Smithsonian's Museum Support Center Conservation lab, for rehousing support and travel exhibition. The wood that it was made of was not listed, but was a white hardwood. This replica was made in Hickory, and matches the original in diameter of sapling, and length and width. The back of the bow was painted black for the entire length of the limbs, and the last inch of tip painted red. The bow pulls 44 lbs at 22 inches of draw, made for the "snap shot" pulled to the midsection, or higher draw but not pulled and held at chin. It was not meant to be drawn by our modern longbow style of pulling to the chin, with arms outstretched over 22 inches. The bow was tillered in the classic "D" bow shape, as it looked from unstrung original, which was not double bent in the Plains fashion. It currently shows only about 1 inch of set or permanant bend, after testing, as seen in photos. It was intended for display of bowmaking techniques of Southwestern Native Americans, but is also a shootable bow, and comes with new string for testing.
Although a replica, this item is still a functional and potentially dangerous weapon, and the buyer is responsible for proper and safe use.
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