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Molded from the authentic original, this cast represents a very rare type, found only in the area of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with type site in Bristol County, Mass,and it is reported to date to the late Archaic(around 3,500 to 4,000 years ago.  It measures 6 and half inches long(167mms) and is about 50 mm wide and is only around 5mm thick at the widest point.  It was noticed in a private collection in Rhode Island, by archaeologist Jack Hranicky, a prolific author and expert on point types of the Eastern US.  Being aware of the new theories about a possible Solutrean(coastal Spain/France) origin for the Clovis culture in the East, Hranicky brought this biface to the Smithsonian Museum in June 2012 to be examined there.  This biface shows similar technology of the Cinmar biface, which was showcased in the new book Across Atlantic Ice by Stanford and Bradley.  The Cinmar biface was dredged up 40 miles off the coast of VA, along with mastadon tusks and bones dating over 20,000 years old.  This newly discovered biface from Rhode Island shows the same flaking technique of using edge to edge and overshot flakes to thin the biface, and appears to be of the same technological background, and therefore being considered for possibly older age by some archaeologists. This wonderfully made artifact is one of the best examples known of this type of early bipoint, designed to be long enough to use as a knife without hafting.

Boats Blade Biface Cast

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