Primitive Technology is the shared heritage of every person on the planet. Before the age of steel and agriculture, every culture in the world was based in stone, wood, hide, and bone. Exploring these technologies brings us closer to that common ground, and celebrates the way our ancestors worked with the environment. When this study is done with authentic materials and traditional techniques, the result is valuable for archaeology, primitive skills study, and for all those who have a passion for history.

Ancestral Pueblo style stone knife in handle

Based on the 17,000 year old sandstone lamp using oil as fuel and lichen wick

Replica of sewing needle from Ice Age France. Finds like this indicate the capability for finely tailored clothing for harsh climates

Ancestral Pueblo style stone knife in handle

"I consider the skill level of Michael Frank to be of the highest caliber. Over the years I have watched him develop as a student with an insatiable thirst, perseverance, and curiosity for knowledge and understanding. He has developed into a mature practitioner bordering on the verge of perfection. No longer just a student but one of the few both willing and able to carry the highest standards and traditional ways on to the upcoming generations.
Some of Mike's areas of expertise include flintknapping, bow making, hafting, fire making, and their archaeological consequences and applications. His years of employment at the Smithsonian Museum have given him a perspective few other prehistorians can claim." Errett Callahan, PhD, Founder and First President of the Society Of Primitive Technology
August 8, 2010
Modern flintknappers(stone tool workers) can be a great asset to the study of prehistory and to the science of Archaeology. Here are some examples that we have used in demonstrations and teaching collections. When traditional tools are made in the authentic process, and used in the correct context, the past truly comes to life.

This modern knapped arrowhead was taken out of the case and hafted for public demonstration. This leads to better questions of how it was used in the past. How is it connected? Pine pitch/charcoal for the glue, and deer sinew for lashing.
Stone points and drills are often seen in museums and collector display cases, but are seldom fully understood. When hafted for flight, or used to drill through tough natural materials, archaeology comes to life. The flint drill above was hafted into a model of an ancient pump drill, which uses cordage and a stone flywheel weight to create holes in wood, bone, antler, shell, and even harder stones.
Before the age of metal and plastic, traditional cultures all over the world made wonderful use of the natural materials available in the local environment. Containers, string, glue, clothing, and weapons were made with what the earth had to offer, and those brilliant innovations did honor to their cultures